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20 January 2023
CLUSTER Health - Horizon Europe Brokerage Event 2023

Main contacts:

Ewa Szkiłądź - ewa.szkiladz@ncbr.gov.pl
Bruno Mourenza - mourenza@apre.it 

For Pitching session please contact:  sophie.decamps@recherche.gouv.fr and ewa.szkiladz@ncbr.gov.pl

Closed since 13 April 2023
Organised by
Participants 1527
Meetings 1495
Spain 203
Italy 167
Portugal 125
Türkiye 100
Israel 69
France 69
Poland 66
Belgium 65
Germany 55
Greece 52
Denmark 46
United Kingdom 45
Hungary 40
Moldova, Republic Of 35
Romania 33
Netherlands 33
Austria 32
Switzerland 30
Ireland 30
Latvia 24
Cyprus 19
Slovakia 15
Morocco 15
Norway 12
Lithuania 12
Czech Republic 11
Finland 11
Ukraine 11
Sweden 10
Estonia 9
Slovenia 9
Bulgaria 8
Libya 7
Serbia 6
Indonesia 5
Tunisia 5
Georgia 5
Malta 4
Sudan 3
Azerbaijan 3
India 3
Iceland 3
Luxembourg 3
Colombia 3
Armenia 3
Côte d'Ivoire 2
Brazil 2
United States 2
Croatia 2
Egypt 2
Thailand 1
Nigeria 1
Chile 1
Philippines 1
Ecuador 1
Argentina 1
Canada 1
United Arab Emirates 1
Gambia 1
Montenegro 1
North Macedonia 1
Zambia 1
Total 1536
University 521
R&D Institution 279
Company (SME) 266
Other 115
Start-up 100
Consultancy 69
Company (Industry) 54
Authority/Goverment 52
Association/Agency/Cluster 51
National Contact Point (NCP) 24
Enterprise Europe Network Partner (EEN) 5
Total 1536
Profile views
Before event 32985
After event 10552
Total 43537