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20 January 2023
CLUSTER Health - Horizon Europe Brokerage Event 2023

Don't miss the opportunity to get involved in the next Horizon Europe 2023 Health proposals!

Friday, 20th January 2023 | 09:30 - 17:30 CET

The launch of the 2023 calls is planned for beginning of December 2022; this will be the second round of calls of the Framework Programme Horizon Europe.

The European action HNN3.0 together with the European Commssion, Enterprise Europe Network and NCP WideraNet is organizing the next Horizon Europe Brokerage Event on the 2023 Cluster 1 Health and Mission Cancer calls for proposals.


The Brokerage Event is organized consecutively to the Cluster 1 Health INFODAY that will take place on January 19th. 

This international partnering event will help you to build your consortium for the upcoming 2023 calls of the 2023-2024 Health and Mission Cancer Work Programmes.


The event is free of charge but registration and profile activation are mandatory to attend the brokerage event. When registering, please, include at least one Project Cooperation in the Marketplace section with information on what expertise you are offering or you are looking for against the topic(s) of your interest.

Why participate

  • Get all information needed on the upcoming Horizon Europe calls in the Cluster Health Work Programme.
  • Meet potential partners from Europe and beyond and start building your consortium.

Target audience

Any applicant eligible to Horizon Europe calls: companies, universities, research and technology organizations, public sector, NGOs, hospitals, patients associations…

The event will be organized around 2 main sessions for you to maximize the impact of your attendance:

Pitching Session09:30 - 11:30 CET
Bilateral Meetings12:30 - 17:30 CET

For Pitching session please visit section Oral presentations/ Pitching session.

The brokerage event will be organized via the online features of B2match system. This means you will be able to have your face-to-face meetings from wherever you are currently working. All you need to have is laptop/computer with stable internet connection, microphone/headset (mandatory) and web camera (not mandatory). From organizational point of view:

  • a guide on how to run online meetings is available on How it works sections, please also check this VIDEO
  • you also need to update your time zone with your own time zone, otherwise all meeting hours will be displayed in the event's time zone

The cooperation topics (areas of activity) are based on the DRAFT work programme (November version) for the Horizon Europe – Cluster 1 and Mission Cancer. 

Participation in the event is free of charge!.   

Closed since 13 April 2023
Organised by
Participants 1526
Meetings 1495
Spain 203
Italy 167
Portugal 125
Türkiye 99
Israel 69
France 69
Poland 66
Belgium 65
Germany 55
Greece 52
Denmark 46
United Kingdom 45
Hungary 40
Moldova, Republic Of 35
Romania 33
Netherlands 33
Austria 32
Switzerland 30
Ireland 30
Latvia 24
Cyprus 19
Slovakia 15
Morocco 15
Norway 12
Lithuania 12
Czech Republic 11
Finland 11
Ukraine 11
Sweden 10
Estonia 9
Slovenia 9
Bulgaria 8
Libya 7
Serbia 6
Indonesia 5
Tunisia 5
Georgia 5
Malta 4
Sudan 3
Azerbaijan 3
India 3
Iceland 3
Luxembourg 3
Colombia 3
Armenia 3
Côte d'Ivoire 2
Brazil 2
United States 2
Croatia 2
Egypt 2
Thailand 1
Nigeria 1
Chile 1
Philippines 1
Ecuador 1
Argentina 1
Canada 1
United Arab Emirates 1
Gambia 1
Montenegro 1
North Macedonia 1
Zambia 1
Total 1535
University 521
R&D Institution 279
Company (SME) 266
Other 114
Start-up 100
Consultancy 69
Company (Industry) 54
Authority/Goverment 52
Association/Agency/Cluster 51
National Contact Point (NCP) 24
Enterprise Europe Network Partner (EEN) 5
Total 1535
Profile views
Before event 32985
After event 10645
Total 43630